Online Packages & Sessions


Working with Giulia can lead you to a deep uderstanding of yourself , a better heath and more clarity in your life. Each single session or package is designed to adapt to your own need ,based on the problem or the block you want to overcome and your individual way of facing your process toward your growth and health.

These programs are based on a deep inner work with IDOL technique , applied not only to the sacral chakra but also to the solar plexus and root chakras . They include also Emotional Body Consciousness sessions ,where one becomes conscious of how the emotions work on oneself. You will also receive a unique type of coaching that I developed based on the Sa'Sen Yin method called spiritual coaching.

The programs would be 4 weeks , 8 weeks or 12 weeks long and it will touch all themes a person needs, from inner development( including relationships , work etc.) to physical healing and can be used on a weekly based or on a longer distance base ( every 2/3 weeks or monthly ) depending on how one needs it.


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IDOL Inner Dance Of Love

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Emotional Body Consciousness

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Spiritual Coaching

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“ The way of the truth is the way of Love ”